Terrible Two Wave Shield
Wave Shield
One of the single biggest reasons that young kids stop paddling, sometimes forever, is a good simple wave to the face. It might seem silly to an adult, but to a small child this is fear of the unknown, combined with a sudden cold shock. As safe as it may be in reality, many a parent has suffered the unfortunate reality that their kid, once eager to go, simply stops paddling.
We've come up with the Wave Shield. Corran has been testing this on his 3yr old son, who after a good wave to the face in the Lachines, was un-eager to get back in the kayak in whitewater. One Wave Shield later, and he was begging for more, pointing out the waves that they should run through.
Made from clear plastic, and weighing not more than about a pound, the Wave Shield screws in a minute into 4 deck mounted inserts with thumb screws. Take it off for transport (if you like) and quickly put it on at the put in.
The photos attached are of the prototype, which was hand molded. The final version will be the same shape, but as slick as every other Soul product.