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Stoke Binding Assembly

How to assemble your Stoke Binding

Tape the small counter sunk M5 nuts under the 4 adapter plates. This just keeps them in place while locating your position and is not a requirement.

Using the M6 countersunk screws, screw the adapter plates into the board.

With the supplied M5 counter sunk screws, screw the discs into the adapter plate, making the micro adjustments for your ideal stance.
Make sure that the two slots are perfectly aligned. If they are offset, the rails will not slide evenly onto the disks.
Glue the foam pad onto one side of the plastic plate (the plate is symmetrical, so it doesn't matter which end.
You can attach the plastic plate to the board using the self adhesive (best option, but it's permanent), or using the two low profile supplied M6 Philips screws. This is to protect the board surface from the heel riser wires.
Screw the touring brackets to the board using the supplied M6 counter sunk screws, making sure that the little side tabs overlap the centreline of your board. This gives your board added torsional stability when riding.
Adjust the heel cup, and toe bracket so it fits your boot size, and centres the boot over the binding.
Open the front latch COMPLETELY, slice the binding onto the disk, set your angle, and then close the front latch. This will clamp the board together and set the teeth into the disk.
The angles are in 5 deg increments, and marked every 15 degrees on the disk.